Thursday, September 25, 2008


Constructivism (Brooks and Brooks, 1993)
Pose problems of emerging relevance to students.
Structure learning around primary concepts to gain the essence of the problem.
Seek and Value students' points of view.
Adapt curriculum to address students' suppositions.
assess student learning in an authentic context.
Assessment Strategies:
Use Cognitive terminology such as classify, analyze, predict and create
Encourage and accept student autonomy and initiative
use raw data, primary sources, manipulatives, interactive activities, and physical material. Allow student responses to drive lessons, shift instructional strategies and alter content.
Encourage students to engage in dialogue
Encourage student inquiry
Ask open-ended questions
Seek elaboration
Create experiences that engender contradictions to initial hypotheses
Give response time for answering questions
Allow time for students to construct relationships
Encourage the creatio of metaphors by using metaphors

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